Tuesday, August 11, 2009

For A Season

For A Season

Just as summer is awakened and then ushered to sleep by the cool and brisk fall, winter storms his way in until spring gently calms the cold billowy winds to uncover all that had been hidden and protected and made new.

Just as the seasons know when it is time to change and make way for it's sooter, like so, there is a season and we must embrace it with much hope and stand with the promise that we will emerge stronger and wiser until the next season.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A little bit about me ..

I write poetry to release and express all the feelings I encounter.
I have also been in a show called "You are not alone".
A show where 20other spoken word artist participate in Philadelphia for 2 nights.
I did a poem called "Reflection". A poem that came about from a young
man who later went to prison. I have continued writing at least
a couple a nights or mornings a week.

So I decided to to create a blog, so I can reach
out to the rest of the world, and
to share my sights on things & to hopefully inspire.
So feel free to comment (positive only).